Saturday, January 29, 2011

Duck on a June Bug

Where did that expression come from? "She was all over that like a duck on a June bug." Well, I don't know the origins of the expression (though it would be fun to research), but it sure does describe me at times. I get so involved in an activity that I lose track of time, and when I look up there are all kinds of responsibilities I've neglected. My family is hungry, they need clean clothes, and this house isn't cleaning itself.

I'm good at tedious. I mean, I can work on a tedious project for HOURS and not mind. There's a great sense of satisfaction from a completed Sudoku puzzle... a cross-stitch project... even just a basket full of groceries I know we'll use the next week, especially when I know my selections were made thoughtfully. By contrast, I HATE making quick decisions, because I feel like there's BOUND to be a better option or argument that I failed to consider. I LIKE the research involved in making a decision, as long as I have time to do it properly. ("Properly" often involves collecting data and organizing it in some sort of table or chart.) Rush me, and I'm likely to have a panic attack!

Most of the time, life is so busy that I can't afford to get bogged down in any one project for very long. I've learned that this tendency of mine can't be indulged unless I've taken care of all my more urgent priorities first. When the bills are paid, the house is clean, the family is fed, and all other basic needs are met, I can take the time to get lost in thought. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen very often!

So I'm not sure how often I really will post to a blog. But it's something I really do want to do, because I can see that expressing my thoughts is cathartic. We'll see. It's time for me to fix dinner now, so I must get off this June bug and get quacking.

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